Thursday, April 10, 2014

Personal Philosophy

          "Only a life lived for others is worth living."-Albert Einstein. I have not yet lived a full life but from what I have lived I know that living as a selfish person does not bring any happiness and it gives no meaning to life. It is easy to become self-centered, to want everything for oneself. However I find that being the center of the universe is not what makes you live a worthy life. I strongly believe that human nature is to be kind to each other, yet not all of us follow our nature when we are surrounded by such a corrupted society. In today's society it seems as for someone to reach full happiness and success everything must be at our feet. This however, I find that is the wrong way to live life. Us humans should follow our nature and live a selfless life that will guarantee full happiness.
          I will not sit here and say that I have followed this philosophy all my life because its not true, and even today I sometimes forget what little I have learned. As a young kid I was the typical spoiled child. Always wanting more and never sharing anything of what I had. I am embarrassed when I look back to my childhood and remember the day I cried, only because the only thing my dad brought me during his visit was a blanket. I was so used to the usual set of Polly Pockets that I did not stop to see the beauty in that blanket. Besides the fact that it was a beautiful blanket, it represented the hard work my dad did in order to buy it just for me. Thankfully today I still have that blanket and it reminds me of my actions back then but it also reminds me to never ever act like that again. Watching my parents give out to others was a big part of why I was able to change my thoughts towards the way of life. looking at how their eyes lit up when we were happy or how it saddened them to see us be unsatisfied with what we had. How easy it was for them to just help someone in need.I am not sure at which point in my life I was able to change my actions. I do however know that I started by sharing my things with others and just being there when I was needed. I was able to be happy just by watching someone start to smile. It was not so much that I was satisfied with by helping someone but it was the feeling that I could share my happiness with someone else. Today I can say that its what I love doing, even if I don't have much to share I try and make someones day. Because it is ten times better to be happy and know someone else is also happy than to have anything in the world for yourself.
          Today if someone were to ask me what is the key to having a good life, I would one hundred percent answer that its all about not being selfish. Not everything thing is about you because if you make it about you then other people will dislike you. It is better to live a life were you know that you have helped someone and that the person was maybe thankful for what you did, then live a life were everything you did was only for yourself. If I look back at my life in twenty year I am sure that I will be satisfied at least with the fact that I surrounded my self with people by helping them then with things. Its not about the things you own because even if you do distract yourself with them once in a while, they wont give you happiness. So its better to start helping people and be happy that they are happy. Like I said before, its in our nature to be kind and we will only live a life worth living if we surround ourselves by real happiness. And start thinking that maybe if we help someone today we can change the rest of their life to something positive. That is something to really be happy about and that is a life worth living.