Monday, March 17, 2014

Diary Entry ch.11-15 (C)

Dear Diary,
          Long days have passed since we left our home. It has been hard on the road and we have not found much luck in reaching California. I have become sick recently but we met some nice folks today. I fear that I will not make it to California but i'm glad that we have met the Joads. They have offered to help us and I know now that my husband will be fine if I don't make it. I told them that if I become too sick to go on that they must leave me behind, but they wont do it. They are good people and they have gone through some hard times as well. We lend them our tent were their Grandpa died, and they say they owe us because of it. Of course we said it was no problem, but they insisted to help. Times are hard for us and we are almost out of money. We have lost so much and I don't know if I will make it. I hope i do though.
                                                                Ms. Wilson

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