Friday, March 7, 2014

Assignment ch 1-10 Pride (F)

 "I built it with my hands. Straightened old nails to put the sheathing on. It's mine. I built it" (37).
 "Them dirty sons-a-bitches. I tell ya, men, i'm stayin'. They ain't gettin' rid a me. My pa come here fifty years ago. An' i ain't a-goin'"(47).
          Both of these quotes represent the great pride that the tenants have for the land and how they have come to it. As both quotes show, they feel great pride in the land because either they built their home in it or their family did. This pride leads them to not want to leave things behind. It builds as they believe that they are more worthy owners because they have put great work into all of it. They feel attachment towards the place they call home because they made it and they put in the hard work to have what they have. It essentially don't want to leave everything behind because they worked hard to obtain these things and it is something that makes them really proud. to be able to say that they live off the land.

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