Thursday, March 13, 2014

Transcendentalism CH 11-15 (H)

Transcendentalism is a philosophical idea that involves self-reliance. In The Grapes Of Wrath, this idea is an important one. As the farmers are kicked out of their homes and forced to move west, they only have themselves to count on. They have lost their main source of income, the land, and as times get worse they start to rely less on religion. Like the character Casey, who has lost faith in religion, the Joads are starting to depend less in God and more in each other. It also connects to them making actions that will change things and not waiting for a miracle to happen. The author, Steinbeck, has used this philosophy in the book as he is trying to show how important self-reliance is and where it will lead you rather than depend on a miracle to happen. It basically is showing that your actions will lead you someplace and if you don't take actions change will not happen.

1 comment:

  1. Need more in depth explanation of what Transcendentalism is
