Friday, March 7, 2014

Assignment 1-10 The Dust Bowl (A)

As the 1930's began the United States faced The Great Depression that caused unemployment and weakening of the nation. It all started with the stock market crash in march 29 of 1929. Not only was the US in deep economic trouble but there was huge natural disasters as well that ruined the farming industry. There was a major drought followed by huge dust storms that ruined the planted crops. These storms were also known as Black Blizzards, and the happenings were later known as The Dust Bowl. Farmers were forced to leave the farming industry behind and head to California. Because the economy was low and the president, Hervert Hoover, believed that the government should not intervene, help was not available (Source). In the novel The Grapes Of Wrath, Tom's family is involved in all of this as they are given no choice but to leave their home and head to California. Just like families in the 1930's, the Joads are forced out of their homes by the bank who only want profit. Families had to sell their belongings in order to have enough money for the trip and also be able to buy a car to get to California. Although there was help for farmers when Roosevelt took office, many farmers (like the Joads) were to proud to take any sort of help as they were used to living of the land (Source). All of this also connects as the book was based on The dust Bowl.

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